
Dorama: Utahime
juuli 13, 2009, 14:14
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Ma ei ole väga ammu midagi uut postitanud. Gomennasai!

Utahime on 11 osaline dorama. Eetris oli 2007. aasta oktoobrist detsembrini TBS’is. Kijutas Satake Mikio ja produtseeris Isoyama Aki (mõlemad töötasid ka sellise sarja kallal nagu Tiger & Dragon).  Ka direktorid Tsuboi Toshio, Kaneko Fuminori on Tiigri ja Draakoni tegijate tiimist.

Peategelased on Shimanto Taro/Koizumi Akira (Nagase Tomoya; Ikebukuro West Gate Park, My Boss My Hero) ja Kishida Suzu/Matsunaka Ruriko (Aibu Saki; Water Boys, Attention Please). Sari küll alustab sellega, et populaarse lauljatari poeg Koizumi Akira reisib Kochi prefektuuri ühe väikelinna kino viimast näidatavat filmi vaatama, kuid enamus sarja tegevusest toimub selle filmi tegevuse läbi. Tegevus toimub Showa 30-datel aastatel  (1950-dad) peale sõda. Üks perekond leiab mereäärest kaldale uhutud kamikaze sõduri, kellel on mälukaotus. Nad turgutavad ta üles ja annavad talle nime Shimanto Taro ja annavad ka talle tööd enda poolt peetavas kinos. Pere väike tütar Kishida Suzu, kes tema leidmise hetkel on umbes 10 aastane kiindub vägaTaro-sse järgneva 10 aasta jooksul. Ka Taro ei jää naiseks sirgunud Suzu vastu väga ükskõikseks.

Taro isiklikult :PTaro isiklikult 😛
Taro and Suzu taro-taro rin-rin-rin!

Taro and Suzu taro-taro rin-rin-rin!

Algselt jäi see dorama mul vääääga pikaks ajaks pooleli. Vaatasin ära esimesest osast pool ja see tundus niiiiiiii igav. Hiljem rohkem vaadates pidin meeldivalt üllatuma. Väga haarav lugu ja näitlejatöö meeldis mulle ka väga. Sari kutsus ka taas esile unsutusse vajunud Nagase vaimustuse. Ta on tõsiselt hea siin sarjas.  Lugu on armas, ei venitata palju, värvikad tegelased, šokeerivad lahendused, nalja saab ka. Mida veel tahta. 😀 Ma nutsin ja naersin seda vaadates. Eriline romantiliste lugude armastaja ma ei ole, aga see oli nii hästi tehtud ja nii hea sisuga et julgen soovitada kellele iganes.


Dorama: Giragira (ギラギラ)
veebruar 14, 2009, 16:17
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Giragira on 8 osaline dorama. Baseerub hit-mangal. See oli eetris TV Asahi’s 2008. aasta lõpus. Peategelane endine host Nanase Kohei(Sasaki Kuranosuke; Zettai Kareshi, Detective Conan 2) on 36 aastane armastav abielumees. Tal on ka 4 aastane tütar. Pereidülli rikub Kohei vallandamine korralikult kontoritöölt. Ta üritab leida muud tööd, kuid igalpool öeldakse et ta on liiga vana jms. Juhuse tahtel kohtub ta tuttavaga nooruspõlvest, kui ta veel host’ina töötas. Ta kurdab oma raskustest ja sõber ütleb et tema jaoks oleks tema baaris töökoht olemas. Kohei alguses keeldub oma perekonna pärast, kuid hiljem siiski olude sunnil ja perekonna teadmatta läheb taas host’ina tööle. Naisele ja tütrele ta ütleb, et töötab öisel ehitustööl. Kohei põhimõtted host’ina on mitte raha röövida klientidelt vaid n.ö. ravida kliendi hinge. Seda põhimõtet t aka propageerib sarja jooksul laialdaselt. Kohei katsumustest perekonna elus ja naistele suunatud meelelahutus äris see sari räägibki.

Theme song: Jonetsu no Daisho by GIRL NEXT DOOR

Üks hostidest Shoji (Miura Shohei; Koizora, Gokusen 3)

Üks hostidest Shoji (Miura Shohei; Koizora, Gokusen 3)

Hostimine täies hoos

Hostimine täies hoos


Kohei perekond 🙂

Kohei sõber Fukami ja ülemus Sonobe Yuki

Minu jaoks oli see sari haarav. Kohati käisid Kohei õilsuse hetked närvidele, sest neid oli liiga palju. Ta oli ehk liialt idealiseeritud.  Energilisi noormehi “Yosha!” karjumas on alati meeldiv vaadata. XD (sorry for being weird) Hosti teemast ei ole just palju doraamasid, et omas teemas on ta omal heal kohal. Seda mangat millel see sari põhineb tahaks väga lugeda, aga ma pole kuskilt leidnud seda. 😦 Sonobe Yuki’t mänginud näitlejanna Maya Miki(Attention Please, Boku dake no Madonna) on pea ainuke Jaapanlannast näitleja, kes mulle väga meeldib.


Dorama: 1 Litre of Tears
veebruar 9, 2009, 18:43
Filed under: jdorama, movies, SP | Sildid: , , , , , ,

1 Litre of Tears ( 1リットルの涙 Ichi Rittoru no Namida, lit. “1 Litre of Tears“; also called A Diary with Tears or A Diary of Tears ) is a 11 episode drama. They also made a 3 hour special with exactly the same name, but the setting is half a year later than when the series ended and it focuses on the character Haruto Asō (Ryō Nishikido, Last Friends; Attention Please).  This again was aired in 2005 in Fuji television. 2005 was a good year for doramas it seems. The drama is an adabtation from a diary of a Japanese girl named Aya Kitō(1962-1988), who suffered from spinocerebellar ataxia. So basically based on a real story. She began keeping a diary at the suggestion of her doctor, and continued to write until she could no longer hold a pen. The diary, titled 1 Litre no Namida, was published shortly before her death.

The story begins as Aya prepares for the new semester. 15-year-old Ikeuchi Aya (Sawajiri Erika, in January 2009 she married Takashiro Tsuyoshi; Taiyo no Uta; HOTMAN) was an ordinary girl, the daughter of a family who works at a tofu shop, and a soon-to-be high schooler. However, odd things have been happening to Aya lately. She has been falling down often and walks strange. Her mother, Shioka, takes Aya to see the doctor, and he informs Shioka that Aya has spinocerebellar degeneration – a terrible disease where the cerebellum of the brain gradually deteriorates to the point where the victim cannot walk, speak, write, or eat. A cruel disease, as it does not affect the mind in the least. How will Aya react when told about her disease? And how will Aya live from now on? The drama spans a decade, during which she graduates from school while her conditions worsen.

I found out that Indonesian Production House SinemArt‘s plagiarized this drama. Their series was called Buku Harian Nayla (Nayla’s Diary). The series aired in RCTI as a special Christmas series. I have not seen it myself, but Indonesian fans of 1 Litre no Namida have reported this admitted plagiarism problem to Fuji TV and the Indonesian mass media. Till now nothing has been done about this.

Indian TV station Amrita TV has dub rights for 1 Litre no Namida and Chinese Drama Tears of Happiness based on this drama.

Theme songs: Only Human by K; Konayuki and Sangatsu Kokonoka by Remioromen; some theme songs by Susumu Ueda.

This drama was shown in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Taiwan, Malaysia and Thailand.

Director of the series was Murakami Masanori (Last Christmas; Water Boys).

Aya and Haruto

Aya and Haruto

I am not a big fan of tear-yerkers, but this was good. Maybe the fact that it was based on a real story affected my opinion. I think I cried during every episode of this drama. o.O’ So I must say that is was wery moving. All the characters were nicely pictured. Usually there happens to be at least one that makes me mad. XD I think Sawajiri Erika acted her ass off, because she was soo good. I don’t think I have seen any other of the dramas shes been in tho.  The author of the diary was a very strong person and I think that is to be admired. It’s amazing how many peoples hearts she has toutched with her story.

The 3 hour special was too much for me. I think I watched an hour/hour and a half of it and then I just gave up. How sad can one movie be and its freakin 3 hours.

This drama will get 10/10 from me 🙂

To finish this a picture of the Aya who wrote the diary

